Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Rearrangement of Fat and Furniture

When your life is feeling a little wacked or your marriage needs some extra attention, try rearranging your furniture. What? Really! It’s an idea that works for many including myself. It has always had a therapeutic effect and gets your motor running for the other matters in your life that need to be evaluated, replaced or tossed out. Now I'm no therapist but I happen to know a few and have had the luxury of picking their brains so don’t go tossing out your husband/wife or replacing them. I say this because you can imagine with that kind of philosophy how excited I was when I heard they could rearrange body fat. When they offered to rearrange mine I didn’t hesitate. Why? I could never appreciate my youthfulness because I was too busy trying to grow up. By my late thirties I began to notice that my spring chicken days were going more the KFC route. If I dared to make mention of it to anyone even slightly older than me they would say, “Ha! You have no idea.” Fast forward ten years and I get it. What does that have to do with rearranging body fat? I would like to hold off on the ‘fryer’ if it’s not to vain to ask. I mean is it? If someone wins the lottery, are they greedy for taking the money? No? I didn’t think so.

This Monday I will go in for my first “treatment”. I like this term because it’s like getting a massage. “Would you like a Velvet Hammer Treatment or the Searing Knife in your Back treatment today?” The word softens the reality of what you are doing and makes it so much more inviting. “I’ll have the Searing Knife in My Back treatment please.” See, fluffy and nice. Okay, clearly I am nervous because I can’t even get to the point in my writing. Monday’s procedure is not as big as the next one, but it is the day they harvest (real term) a bit of fat out of one area, and inject it into my small parts of my face. It’s like putting air in your tires; you get better mileage and performance.

Bring it on!

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