Monday, December 28, 2009

Shut Up Rickey!

Haddock Christmas Adventure 2009

Twas the week before Christmas and all through our house
Everybody was packing for a trip out of town.
The U-Haul was loaded with presents galore
And oodles of luggage with room for more.
We headed out, our hearts filled with glee
For a Christmas ski trip in Purgatory.
The twelve hour trek was sure to be jolly
For children love to be locked
In a car of full of folly.
That being said with love in my heart,
It was “game on” from the very start.
Driving and driving mile after mile
With laptops and movies playing all the while
Bringing everyone a cheerful smile.
There was much to keep our hearts all aflutter,
Like ski slopes of powder and green chilies with butter.
Our friends, The Cooksey’s, who live in Durango,
Were hosting a roasting of turkey and pie,
Dressing and gravy that so good you could die.
There’s Rickey and Melissa and Megan the teen,
Twin boys that are nine, Riley and Reed.
The guests of honor were Leslie and Frank
Her Mother and step dad who thinks’ UT’s in the bank.
He’s a master chef and philosopher too
If you don’t believe me ask him if it’s true.
Let’s not leave out Tiger, the family dog,
A blonde Labradoodle who eats like a hog.

We finally arrived at our house in the snow
The kids jumped out and went wild you know
We unloaded the U-haul with all of our things
Trimmed out our tree with lots’ of bling bling
Off to the Cooksey’s for dinner and cheer
Great Chicken spaghetti and Fat Tire Beer.
And then it happened, but not as planned
Rickey’s plan went into the can.
What he tried to do, was con his twins
Into looking freaked out when asking Mrs. Biz
“Seriously, Mrs. Biz, a U-Haul…a U-Haul…you’ve got to be kidding me!”
But it didn’t work out ‘because Ricky’s from Dumas
Ha! Ha! My friends, they wouldn’t do it
Those precious boys were too nice and blew it.

The following day was filled with delight
The ski slopes were calling with sparkling light.
The Kids went with snow boards, since that is what’s “cool”
But not without a day at the school.

The Adults and Megan ready to ski
Yikes! Ricky’s boots were Darth Vadar ’83!
All in all we had a great day in spite of the boots
That he won’t throw away.

The rest of the trip was more of the same
In the quaintest of towns where the shopping’s insane. (I want to go back!)
We had a great snow storm that dropped 16 inches
A White Christmas was sure to cast away Grinchness.
A sleigh ride was filled with snow and delight
Two Thousand pound horses jingled all night.
Christmas Eve was enchanting to all
Aboard The Polar Express , a total ball.
The narrow gauge train ride into the cold night
The steam engine puffed its thick smoke to the sky
Leaving everyone breathless and cheering goodbye
There was hot chocolate and singing, just like in the book
Then Santa boarded to take a quick look
The fun was endless and we all got tired
But we still needed dinner before we retired.

Christmas morning came early It was chilly and brisk
The presents were charming as were the kids
Sledding and playing filled up the day
While the Cooksey’s were cooking a feast for the gang.
We joined the whole family at half past four
Late we were told, but with grace to be sure.
The meal was delicious and traditional too
Everyone had seconds and thirds it’s true.
Goodnight to all and to all a goodnight
Christmas 09 was a total delight.

The last day arrived as quick as a fox
The trip was now closing its Christmas box
Skiing was perfect and powdery too
And who could forget Rickey’s ugly ski boots.
We pressed and we pressed the mountain on high
And finally quit with a darkening sky.
“Pack your bags little ones, and take down the tree!”
“No leave it alone for the housekeeping team!”
Off Dasher and Dancer to get the U-Haul
Let’s go back to Texas once and for all.
“Can we move here?” one said in his little voice
“How ‘bout Spring skiing” dad said with choice.

We hopped in the car and headed for home
Not wanting to leave for we had such fun.
Christmas 09 will be our treasure
Until the next U-haul takes us wherever….
Shut up Rickey!


rjc said...

Hey Biz, you sure use freak and geek a lot to describe yourself...I would agree..Ha Ha.
The big surprise about my boots is that you even saw them? You were so far behind me on the slopes!!

Unknown said...

Righty-O Rickey Joe! I am what I am oh numbers man!