Thursday, February 12, 2009

Marks Weapons of Mass Destruction...hmmmm

I am always developing new weapons of mass distraction. This is what bored people do best.

Here's one I invented to mess with criminal minds. It works anytime, not just at Christmas.

Neatly wrap up some small boxes with nice paper and ribbon. Leave them in your car with the windows down, doors unlocked. Wide open.

Inside each is the following note. "You now have the curse upon you. I stole these things you now have last year. A curse was put upon me, and since then I have had the worst bad luck ever. The only way to get rid of the curse is to have someone steal these same boxes from you, including this note. Otherwise, very bad things will start happening to you everyday for the rest of your life. You cannot give it away, they must be stolen when you are not looking. Thank you for removing the curse from me."

Stupid criminals buy into this 100%. They try psychics, witchdoctors, anything else but getting ripped off. Their simple minds can't comprehend what's happening. And they will see "Bad Luck" in just about anything that happens to them. (Chronic pessimists do this all the time) It forces them to become the victim.

More thoughts to come...

Mark Davis

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