Monday, June 14, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

“Winner, winner chicken dinner” has never really made sense to me, but I get it’s cutesy, lyrical, rhyminess. I liked winning as a child and I still like winning as an adult because it comes with perks. Perks are good, right? By definition a perk means:
1 : to make smart or spruce in appearance : freshen, improve —often used with up 
So when I was selected for the “Total Body Makeover” by Innovations Med Spa let me assure you “perk” is an understatement. The perks from this opportunity comes with powerful pokes, prods, pangs and lots of pictures of proof. I'm not complaining, really, just saying that comes with a price. The down time is actually  not too bad when you look at each procedure in isolation. However, rack 'em and stack 'em in three months and it adds up to some serious vacation days in The Land of Nod. Alone. This will certainly leave your loved ones in a well executed quagmire, “so plan ahead and plan to show exorbitant amounts of appreciation for those toeing the line for you!” she said to herself.
I'm still getting the occasional, “why would you do this?” which subsequently makes me feel worse than recovering from the ever so barbaric liposuction. However, others have shown the sweetest and most humbling support…the kind that requires thank you notes, on good stock. So it is with their support that I write this follow up sharing the good bad and the ugly of this journey, one I would do again.

Procedures completed
1. Thermage (face and neck)
2. Facial Fat Transfer
3. Liposuction of knees (transferred to face)
4. Liposuction of inner/outer thigh’s
5. Liposuction of belly (sculpted- nice!)
6. Liposuction of “love handles” (goodbye muffin top)
7. Liposuction of arms (aka bra fat)
7. Fat transfer breast augmentation (no implants)
8. Fat transfer hands (first sign of aging, I'm told)

We are currently halfway through the makeover but the hardest part is over, I'm told.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Winners Revealed on GMT!

This was no doubt an exciting day.  First to Good Morning Texas and then for a makeover consultation.  Had I parked in a better place I might not have had to walk 5 blocks to the studio.  Nonetheless, GMT reveals the winners (Lasette and Myself) and discusses the process involved with the makeover.  Lassette and I just finding out for the first time exactly what it is we will have done as we wait in the wings here on GMT.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Rearrangement of Fat and Furniture

When your life is feeling a little wacked or your marriage needs some extra attention, try rearranging your furniture. What? Really! It’s an idea that works for many including myself. It has always had a therapeutic effect and gets your motor running for the other matters in your life that need to be evaluated, replaced or tossed out. Now I'm no therapist but I happen to know a few and have had the luxury of picking their brains so don’t go tossing out your husband/wife or replacing them. I say this because you can imagine with that kind of philosophy how excited I was when I heard they could rearrange body fat. When they offered to rearrange mine I didn’t hesitate. Why? I could never appreciate my youthfulness because I was too busy trying to grow up. By my late thirties I began to notice that my spring chicken days were going more the KFC route. If I dared to make mention of it to anyone even slightly older than me they would say, “Ha! You have no idea.” Fast forward ten years and I get it. What does that have to do with rearranging body fat? I would like to hold off on the ‘fryer’ if it’s not to vain to ask. I mean is it? If someone wins the lottery, are they greedy for taking the money? No? I didn’t think so.

This Monday I will go in for my first “treatment”. I like this term because it’s like getting a massage. “Would you like a Velvet Hammer Treatment or the Searing Knife in your Back treatment today?” The word softens the reality of what you are doing and makes it so much more inviting. “I’ll have the Searing Knife in My Back treatment please.” See, fluffy and nice. Okay, clearly I am nervous because I can’t even get to the point in my writing. Monday’s procedure is not as big as the next one, but it is the day they harvest (real term) a bit of fat out of one area, and inject it into my small parts of my face. It’s like putting air in your tires; you get better mileage and performance.

Bring it on!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

To Win A Total Body Makeover

Have you ever entered a contest a little nervous of what happens if you win? We all know when someone wins the lottery that their lives are forever changed and as they kiss their old troubles goodbye, only to embark on a whole new set of problems. Well, on February 2nd 2010 I did just that. Working in my windowless little office at home I could hear Good Morning Texas doing their segment with Dr. Bill Johnson, MD, MMM of Innovative Med Spa. He was discussing the latest technologies in cosmetic procedures called FAMI – Fat Autograft Muscle Injection: Sub & Intra Muscular Facial Fat Transfer.
FAMI represents a minimally invasive, fat transfer procedure that addresses the loss of fat that people see in their faces over years of aging. Dr. Johnson harvests fat from areas you do not want it, refines it, and then carefully re-injects it into specific areas of your face. It is truly a mixture of science and art, and in turn, offers a worthy substitution for fillers or face lifts. Dr. Johnson plans the procedure by comparing a current photo of the patient to a photo of the patient when they were 18-20 years old. At 18-20, our bodies have the most fat in the facial areas, and photos from this age provide accurate representations of what was, and what could be after fat transfer. At Innovations Medical, all FAMI procedures are done while awake, under local anesthesia. This technique allows the patient to walk out of the office and lessen post procedure downtime.
I began thinking to myself how cool it is that they can rearrange your body fat like furniture. This I can relate to. Then they began discussing their ‘contest’ and I was on the website before they could break to commercial. There was this cute little pink box that looked like this:

And I went on to read more: 

Sign up now for a chance to be the next New Beginnings total makeover winner!
We’re giving away an amazing total body makeover to one lucky contestant. The winner, who will be chosen by our staff, will be the person that we feel will receive the greatest benefit from our treatment options. In order to participate, you should meet the following criteria:
• No more than 30 lbs overweight
• Between 40 and 60 years of age
• A resident of the greater D/FW metroplex
• A generally healthy person with no chronic medical conditions
• No previous cosmetic surgeries
• Willing to do the procedures and participate in the program

I got very excited and scared at the same time. What if I won? How would this impact me? Will I look like me or my wicked twin? I spent the better part of two days thinking about it. They wanted pictures and an explanation in 500 words or less, why should I be the 2010 New Beginnings Makeover winner? Right. That was a hard one. Why did I think I should be the winner? Who wouldn’t want to? Last year their winners received some $250,000.00 in cosmetic procedures…so on Thursday I entered the contest:

You had me at hair and make-up! I'm a married, 44 year old mother of two, and I sing in a rockin’ county girl band. Seeing how there are no plans to cash in my chips anytime soon I sure like to slow down these hands of time that are less than kind. Oh yeah, I have a great job and hope to inspire women to get out there and start writing the next chapter of their life ever after, but when it comes to Beauty and the Beast there is no love. If it weren’t for fake eyelashes, Botox, Restylne , push up bra’s, waist cinchers, spray tanning, hair color, clothes that camouflage and others weapons of mass destruction I just don’t know what I would do! But this contest…ha… is like a nuclear weapon! I will use it responsibly and without malice. I will not boast or brag but tell the truth; I am MIDDLE AGED woman who REFUSES to gracefully SURRENDER my collagen or the rest of my body for that matter…but I will need a little help.

I got a phone call the following Tuesday, “Come in for pictures, and bring your two piece.” OMG! Pictures in January, in a swimsuit? “Oh, and don’t wear any makeup.” Geeze, if I win, will I be insulted?
Picture day went well, and painlessly. They were kind and truthful and by then I really wanted to win. They had others they were considering and would pick their winner and notify them the following Monday, February 15th. This would make for an interesting weekend to say the least.
I was feeling negative and positive all at the same time, what a charge. I figured that I wasn’t the winner even though on Sunday I had a funny feeling. My husband said to me, “I think you’re going to win” and I said, “I do too and my palms are sweating just thinking about it”. I guess I was just being really hopeful and it was fun just thinking it could happen.
Monday passed quietly, my phone didn’t ring. That evening I was taking my kids to their respective events and I got a call. I thought it was courteous of them to let me know that I didn’t win. A man’s’ voice said, “I just wanted to let you know, you didn’t win.” And I said, “I kinda figured that since my phone didn’t ring…and then he interjected, “IM JUST KIDDING! YOU WON!”
Check out Good Morning Texas Wednesday morning at 9AM, February 17th for the “Before Interview.”
Now I am nervous.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Shut Up Rickey!

Haddock Christmas Adventure 2009

Twas the week before Christmas and all through our house
Everybody was packing for a trip out of town.
The U-Haul was loaded with presents galore
And oodles of luggage with room for more.
We headed out, our hearts filled with glee
For a Christmas ski trip in Purgatory.
The twelve hour trek was sure to be jolly
For children love to be locked
In a car of full of folly.
That being said with love in my heart,
It was “game on” from the very start.
Driving and driving mile after mile
With laptops and movies playing all the while
Bringing everyone a cheerful smile.
There was much to keep our hearts all aflutter,
Like ski slopes of powder and green chilies with butter.
Our friends, The Cooksey’s, who live in Durango,
Were hosting a roasting of turkey and pie,
Dressing and gravy that so good you could die.
There’s Rickey and Melissa and Megan the teen,
Twin boys that are nine, Riley and Reed.
The guests of honor were Leslie and Frank
Her Mother and step dad who thinks’ UT’s in the bank.
He’s a master chef and philosopher too
If you don’t believe me ask him if it’s true.
Let’s not leave out Tiger, the family dog,
A blonde Labradoodle who eats like a hog.

We finally arrived at our house in the snow
The kids jumped out and went wild you know
We unloaded the U-haul with all of our things
Trimmed out our tree with lots’ of bling bling
Off to the Cooksey’s for dinner and cheer
Great Chicken spaghetti and Fat Tire Beer.
And then it happened, but not as planned
Rickey’s plan went into the can.
What he tried to do, was con his twins
Into looking freaked out when asking Mrs. Biz
“Seriously, Mrs. Biz, a U-Haul…a U-Haul…you’ve got to be kidding me!”
But it didn’t work out ‘because Ricky’s from Dumas
Ha! Ha! My friends, they wouldn’t do it
Those precious boys were too nice and blew it.

The following day was filled with delight
The ski slopes were calling with sparkling light.
The Kids went with snow boards, since that is what’s “cool”
But not without a day at the school.

The Adults and Megan ready to ski
Yikes! Ricky’s boots were Darth Vadar ’83!
All in all we had a great day in spite of the boots
That he won’t throw away.

The rest of the trip was more of the same
In the quaintest of towns where the shopping’s insane. (I want to go back!)
We had a great snow storm that dropped 16 inches
A White Christmas was sure to cast away Grinchness.
A sleigh ride was filled with snow and delight
Two Thousand pound horses jingled all night.
Christmas Eve was enchanting to all
Aboard The Polar Express , a total ball.
The narrow gauge train ride into the cold night
The steam engine puffed its thick smoke to the sky
Leaving everyone breathless and cheering goodbye
There was hot chocolate and singing, just like in the book
Then Santa boarded to take a quick look
The fun was endless and we all got tired
But we still needed dinner before we retired.

Christmas morning came early It was chilly and brisk
The presents were charming as were the kids
Sledding and playing filled up the day
While the Cooksey’s were cooking a feast for the gang.
We joined the whole family at half past four
Late we were told, but with grace to be sure.
The meal was delicious and traditional too
Everyone had seconds and thirds it’s true.
Goodnight to all and to all a goodnight
Christmas 09 was a total delight.

The last day arrived as quick as a fox
The trip was now closing its Christmas box
Skiing was perfect and powdery too
And who could forget Rickey’s ugly ski boots.
We pressed and we pressed the mountain on high
And finally quit with a darkening sky.
“Pack your bags little ones, and take down the tree!”
“No leave it alone for the housekeeping team!”
Off Dasher and Dancer to get the U-Haul
Let’s go back to Texas once and for all.
“Can we move here?” one said in his little voice
“How ‘bout Spring skiing” dad said with choice.

We hopped in the car and headed for home
Not wanting to leave for we had such fun.
Christmas 09 will be our treasure
Until the next U-haul takes us wherever….
Shut up Rickey!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Friends vs. Texas Friends

Thanks to Melissa Cooksey for sending this to me, you are very missed here in Texas and you are definitely a Texas friend in all the ways listed below. The author is unknown, but if I find out who it is, I will post it promptly. Please share your comments below...that way we know what kind of friend you are.

FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
TEXAS FRIENDS: Always bring the food.

FRIENDS: Will say 'hello'.
TEXAS FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss.

FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
TEXAS FRIENDS: Call your parents Mom and Dad.

FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.
TEXAS FRIENDS: Cry with you.

FRIENDS: Will eat at your dinner table and leave.
TEXAS FRIENDS: Will spend hours there, talking, laughing, playing dominoes or cards and just being together.

FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
TEXAS FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
TEXAS FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds' back-ends that left you.

FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
TEXAS FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, 'I'm home!'.

FRIENDS: will visit you in the hospital when you're sick
TEXAS FRIENDS: will cut your grass and clean your house then come spend the night with you in the hospital and cook for you when you come home.

FRIENDS: have you on speed dial
TEXAS FRIENDS: have your number memorized.

FRIENDS: Are for a while.
TEXAS FRIENDS: Are for life.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Middle School Slime

Middle school or Jr. High as it were is brutal. These can be the suckiest years of one’s life. It's not enough that we are living in hormonic hell, but we have some real challenges with a few of those leading the way. Teacher is the title, but what are they teaching? I want to clarify right here that there are Saints in the system. Then there are those (teachers) who I want to ask, "what do you want to be when you grow up?"

I read a post this past weekend by Chris Garret called Just Like Breathing. The challenge is for us discover what is so natural for us that it is like breathing. Unless you suffer from severe chronic asthma or emphysema this is a simple proposition but requires deep and purposeful thought in order to provoke an answer. This is not suggesting one take the path of least resistance but rather discover what moves oneself in a way that they don't even know that they are working, and working diligently at it?

Tonight I attended my son's middle school athletic (I use that word loosely) awards banquet and I couldn't believe my ears! Yes, there were athletes in the room. There were many and many hopefuls as well as could-be's. But the coaches stole the show! The worst part is that so many of the parents were admittedly shocked and buzzing about it afterwards but no one wanted to address it on the next level. One parent even said, "this is how it was two years ago, that is just how they are, pathetic and sad, " and his son won an award! The sad part is that our tender and vulnerable young teens are exposed to some real...crappy leadership!

Football, track, cross country, basketball, volleyball and tennis. These are the schools offered sports and some of these kids are doing good to just be in the program at any level. However those fortunate enough to earn the recognition and honor of an award might just get it served with a backhanded compliment. Case in point: the MVP for the basketball team...a huge honor usually bestowed upon the cream of the crop that sport season was exposed as being lazy. LAZY? And this is the does that happen? Then the coach basically wrapped some kind words in there (but I can’t remember because I was so stumped) and said he hoped he would see better the next year. Geeze, am I missing something?

This went on and on from one to the next, it was just awful. Long and awful for all the wrong reasons. Then in the end, the top award was given to the queen and king (for lack of a better word to disguise the actual title) of all things athletic. Insults came out like sugar coated arsenic. The female recipient was praised for being so good that she could have received the MVP in all the programs in which she participated...which was all of them. Uh, so what about the girls you just awarded, the ones holding the plaques, certificates and medals...the actual MVP's? Does that make them Silver MVP's and did you have to take any of their thunder? Could you not have just said how fantabulous this little girl was across the board that she earned herself the Platinum MVP? Was it really necessary to overshadow all the other girls who had just sat down with their prized honors that way? Call me stupid, but it was weird.

Finally, the boy who won the "king" of all sports was praised by each coach and teacher on stage. No doubt he deserves all the accolades and everyone knows he is the 'one', but the little girl who was his counterpart in winning just stood there as the clock ran over while each coach/teacher had to say their piece on this amazing child with a 'pedigree' as they called it. Okay, great... but she is standing there and whatever they said about her was soon forgotten because the teachers disproportionately honored him. He deserves it I agree, I wouldn't even suggest that they even it up, but close the gap a little because it was too obvious and ultimately uncomfortable for many as I bet it was for the boy. If he is as bright as they say, he had to be embarrassed...after all he is one of those hormonic teenage boys.

No wonder Middle School or Jr. High as it were can be so sucky. The good news is these kids will be out of middle school in one year but those teachers will remain (most of them anyway) in a perpetual state of something or another. I wonder if they do what they do because it's as natural to them as breathing. It's hard to tell.

Special praise: There was one coach/teacher that it was obvious she was in her calling as a leader to these kids. She was flawless in her adoration and respect. Her ability to articulate to the masses was spot on and she never once handed down a negative comment on one student. This is as natural to her as doubt about it, and it didn't go unnoticed.